Tuesday, November 15, 2011

HELP!!! FINAL FANTASY XII...I found Mjrn but........?

ok, vaan is 22 balthier is 15, fran 16, basch 20, ashe 20, penelo 18. i found mjrn but a f@cking boss appears!!!! i mean really, mists do him the less and belias falls before casting hellfire........ alwayas.....anyone who bitted him??????????????

Im Selling Poinsettas and Door swags - help please?

It's good, but you should try to keep it simple. Most people do not have long attention spans to read a lengthy letter like that. Use images if you can as pictures can tell more than words.

Can't Get My Mind off of Someone?

I was with a girl for about a month, and we never really got heavily into a relationship, but I got a bit jealous of how close she got to other guys and she broke it off. I can't stop thinking about her and I don't know how to get rid of the feelings. I know pleading to get back together would be a bad thing, but even my old stress-relievers, running and listening to music don't even clear my mind of her. I need to get her off my mind because its been eating at me ever since we broke up, but I don't know how. I'd appreciate suggestions on how to get rid of the feelings or how to get her back.

Why is president bush so stubborn? Does he really not care about helping Americans with disabilities?

Pay for the research yourself if you are so worried about it. I don't want my tax dollars paying for something I don't agree with.

How can I subtly make it known that I'm not religious without seeming rude?

If you would feel awkward you can always ask them to not send you chain mail because it cloggs up your email. Then if a good opportunity arises you can bring it up in conversation.

Which is a real sport soccer or football (american)?

i think its american football. soccer spends 90 minutes of running around and they only score 1 or 2 goals. but in football we only take 60 minutes and in total we score 7-10 touchdowns in a game. football is much more exiting. and half the time in soccer people are just jogging. in football you have to run hard.

How to meet potential dates?

I moved to a new city a few months ago. Actually I'm in the suburbs about half an hour from the city. I'm in my late twenties. Every girlfriend I ever had, I have met off the internet, which is embarring. I only have a couple of friends out here and did not know anyone before I made the move. I've tried to meet people off the internet again, but it has been more terrible than I remember. I guess one reason I go online is because it is more direct and the people are presumbably single and looking. I'm more sociable than I used to be, but that hasn't mattered since I'm no longer in school and those I work with are significantly older for the most part. I don't know what to do. I should at least be dating. This has me down. Whatever you suggest, please don't say it'll happen when I'm not looking. I don't believe in that and nothing I've had or achieved has ever magically appeared at my doorstep.

Any Student Council Fundraising Ideas?

i am president of my elementary school and i am in charge of coming up with a fundraiser. Something simple and easy would be great,because 6 kids have to be able to do it. I am kind of in a hurry so please give me lots of ideas before are next meeting!

What do you do with people who try to control you and they dont' get the ******* point?

They bombard you with florid rhetoric and "advice" but they actually try to control you. No matter how much you try to get the poitn across, they still feel entitled to treatyou however they want. Why is this?

How can a person be charged with a failure to appear when they were never issued a citation for anything?

I recently finished everything relating to a DWI from 2006. I was trying to find out what I needed to do to have my drivers license reinstated and discovered that I had been charged with failure to appear in court for an accident that happened 2 yrs earlier. I never received a citation for the accident.

Towing a Mustang w/ Penske?

I am moving across country in 2 weeks from AZ to MI. I am renting a 16ft Penske moving truck and plan to tow my 2006 Mustang on a flat bed i am renting from penske (where all 4 wheels are off the ground) but i just read that 17" wheels and above are non tow able... I have 17" pirelli's on my car. Now they know what kind of car I'm towing, they even say it when i went to look at the moving trucks. And they never said i couldn't tow it. So whats the deal? Can i tow it or not, i leave in 2 weeks from today.....its rear wheel drive, so I'm not just putting two wheels up on a car dolly, i heard that will ruin my driveshaft

Why is it ok for everybody that marquez asks catchweight? does he always get a p?

Marquez made no qualms or complaints when he went up in weight against Mayweather. Marquez isn't making any either going up against Pacquiao. If Marquez isn't complaining, then I don't see why people WHO ARE NOT FIGHTING IN THE FIGHT are making any issues about it.

What type of medium should I use for my art?

i love acrylic but you can get away with cleaning your brushes less. what i do with oils is i have a light brush and a dark brush for each color and just wipe it with a rag in-between colors. the reason why i think acrylic is better for spontaneity tough is because you don't have to worry about painting fat over lean and you can paint faster.

Help me!! Find this website for me!!?

a href="http://www.sparknotes.com/drama/antigone/" rel="nofollow"http://www.sparknotes.com/drama/antigone…/a

What laptop is fater?

You list the type of processors but not the speed of them. It's impossible to say without that unless you have had experience with both types. Sorry

This question is for people who believe in demons and evil spirits?

i believe in demons and evil spirits because when i was young my grandpa used to tell me so many stories about demons and evils..my mom also experienced that she saw some devils and spirits while she was young...and i myself believe it because i have seen them when i used to go to my villlage.

Minneapolis coupon books?

my family and i are travelling to minneapolis the 16th-20th of march. I have already purchased the nick universe wristbands online..so i was wondering which coupon book is better...the MOA coupon book. or the twin city happenings/entertainment book.. i have no idea what type of coupons are in the moa book. the twin city one i found out what was in it online.. i have three small children..any insight on eating cheaply would be appreciated..thank you so much!! we do plan on spending a lot of time at MOA

Sony tube picture went black?

i have a older sony tv i think from right before flat screens came out and when i turned it on the other day the screen went black. i still get volume but thats it. its a pretty good size tv so if its not too expensive id like to repair it, i just need to know whats wrong wih it. anyone...anyone...?

Help? 10 points best answer?

Well, 1 hour and 25 minutes added with another 25 minutes would be 1 hour and 50 minutes. 1 hour and 50 minutes before 2:45 is 12:55 PM.

Could I possibly be pregnant? *Baby dust*?

I've been pregnant four times. No...I have never felt implantation. And, some women can test early. I get positive results about seven days before my period is to start. THE FAINTEST LINE IS POSITIVE. I have luck with first response and even dollar store tests but not the "extra sensitive" you buy online.

What should i draw for art ?

Okay well i need some inspiration for art cl. I need to draw a picture that relates to the poem " stopping on the woods on a snowy evening. Anybody know a creative idea?anything would really help. even though i already know i should be using my own inspiration

Since ego cannot be touched or grasped - is it real?

can you touch the ego? see it? feel it? grasp it? hol on to it?where is it seated? in th body? in the mind? what is it comprised of?

Fifty years left of OIL, 30 years left of WATER!: Is it for entire planet or just...?

in the 1970's, scientists said there was only 25 years of oil left. That wasn't quite right, so be careful what you believe. as to the water, sure they will run out in 5 years if it NEVER rains. Don't you think it may rain once or twice in the next 5 years?

What are some guitar solos that showcase Kirk Hammett's skills the best?

The intro solo from their cover of Diamond Head's Am I Evil? It doesn't get anymore than that. Plus, the tapping solo from One is pretty damn amazing.

Is it OK to starve the aquarium fish for a 24 hr period once every 15 days or once a month?

Some aquarists say its helpful for the fishes internal organs and digestive systems and also boosts their immunity.

Gymnastics for older people 18?

I kept trying to be a runner kept spending $$$ on shoes and getting different advice on how to do it and kept trashing my knees. I decided to be a walker instead and keep my knees. Good luck.

I need some help, can some people out there help me please.?

I'm constantly struggling in my life and feel like no one well and truly understands me not even my family, and can relate to some degree to what Hamlet was saying in that To Be Or not to be speech, I'm not suicidal but just get fed up with Life as people say a lot to me and I have had a lot done to em in the past as well, what do I do?It's like I am constantly trying to find ways to keep the money coming in so that I can pay the rent and provide myself with food and clothes!!!

Why is the goverment throwing 21 Billion dollars at a Cobra subsidy?

Barry is pandering to his base......Let the free market solve the health care problem, the main problem is no one knows how much things costs and don't shop around for medical services (HSA helps)...Under a free market structure there is no reason to believe that prices would not fall like all other items after time and innovation.....Look at Laser Eye Correction Surgery....When the medical industry starts to compete for customers, prices for services will go down. Services and products will also improve because profit drives innovation. It is better to let the consumers decide for themselves what medical treatment to get, rather than letting a government agency decide. Choice gives us power.

I've been having disturbing dreams... is there anything wrong with me?

If you ate anything before going to bed, the food probably caused the weird dreams. It happens to everyone, there's nothing wrong with you! :)

My laptop overheats after 15 mins of charge!?

sound like overheating . try clean the ventilation path and fan.if doesn't work,send to hp for repair since it still under warranty.hope that helps.

I am severly depressed now, is there a chat room that I can just jump on to help me?

Try i-village. They have been featured for having very supportive chat rooms, and good blogs. But seriously, you might need to get off this computer and get into the real world by getting some real help for your problem. Good luck.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Dodge mins Swap, how hard is it and is it worth the trouble?

I want to remove the 360 and replace with the mins. 1999 2500 4x4 with NV241, 46RE and Dana 70 rear. What needs changing? will the work? does dodge sell mins create motors?

iest Female Vamps?

Now that Halloween is upon us,who on your list are the iest female vamps on screen,top of my list starts with Kate Beckinsale from the Underworld movies,let me know who is on your top ten list

Malcom Marshal, Joel Garner, Colin Croft ,Michael Holding IF they were bowling now would YOU be afraid?

Oh no! Who cares for Bradman if he bats today. The will power is changed. Playing conditions are changed. Fielding is changed.

PICK THREE-Chris Johnson vs. Ari, MJD @ SF, Steven Jackson vs. Sea, Beanie Wells @ Tenn, Justin Forsett @ StL?

even though Forsett has a nice matchup against STL, you go with CJ, MJD, and Steven Jackson hands down... (forget Wells).

What percentage of your wardrobe is from your favorite sports team?

Mine is about 50% since I have many jerseys, sweatshirts & t-shirts of the Yankees & Redskins

Help with itunes music?

Did you move the files once you first listened to them in iTunes? Such as downloading them to your desktop and then later moving them into a folder, for example. If so, iTunes doesn't know where to look for them and you can just point it to the new location. If it is the whole batch you had, just delete them all out of iTunes (select all, delete) and reload them in by doing "Add to Library" and pointing to the new location, it'll be easier than doing each one individually.

My car sometimes pauses when I shift out of reverse. What's the deal?

Hello, i would say that your transmission pump is going out. You can take it to a shop and they can unplug one of the lines that goes over to the transmission oil cooler and check the oil pressure. Then you they can decide from there. Or it could be that the friction clutches in the transmission are worn out. Which would also cause it to feel like the transmission speed is not matching the engine speed. Hope this helps.

History exam i have to study for can someone please help an give the answers so i can study!?

Is this a serious question? Why don't you look for these answers in Wikipedia or use you books. You are just lazy.

Tiny insects in my bathroom that have Y shaped antenna and jump also whn you get close to them. what are they?

i have tiny little insects in my bathroom sink that does not go away no mtter what i do. i have used liquid plumber down the drain. i kill them every time i go to the bathroom and look at my sink. They seem to be crawling out of the sink drain or the tiny hole located in the sink for the water run off...not sure where they are coming from but they are. they also jump when you get close to them to kill them and they dont die from water if i just wash them down the sink. it seems as though they live in the drain area. how do i kill them permanently? and what are they? can anyone please help me with this problem? thank you.



Girl in my cl . . .?

Yes, you can be a comfort to her. And a friend and a mentor. It is great that you are taking interest..

How long does an Energizer rechargeable Lantern RCE4AA2 bulb last for?

I've just bought a new Energizer Rechargeable Lantern RCE4AA2 for Bunnings Warehouse and I wonder how long the Krypton light bulb will last for?

Hi ! I'm Italian and...I'm a Michael Phelps fan!?

Hello ! I'm a italian girl keen on sport, especially on swimming and ...I love Michael Phelps ! He's fantastic ! When I see a match I'm not a fan of Luca Marin, Rosolino, or Magnini, I'm fan of Phelps !!! He's the more big in all the world ! like italian, i make you my compliments for your champion

What has Obama done to help with the Japan and Libya Situation?

To Japan he gave logistical and humanitarian support. In Libya he gave support to the UN security council with military air power.

5 and a half month old cries hysterically?

You're going to get a lot of different answers on this. It really depends on how YOU want to parent. I for one, do not believe that you can "spoil" a child that young. And even if your child does NOT need anything, like a diaper or feeding, I feel that crying is an emotional need. And emotional needs need met also. Sometimes a baby that young just wants you to hold her. I don't feel that she's trying to manipulate you. She just loves you and wants to be close with you. It probably isn't even a "fake" cry. She just quits because there is no reason to keep crying once she gets what she needs! This is just my opinion. A lot of people will tell you different and agree with the doctor.

Bullet Proof Vests for Civilian Police Employees on Patrol?

Get a new job or buy your own vest. US Calvary has what you need but it is pricey. How much is your life worth?

Fantasy Football Help (Week 13)?

At running back i would take peterson, norwood, lewis, and idk know about the rest. Maybe jackson against miami only if he is healthy. Other wise, taylor or morris. At wideout, you have great options. I would take evans, andre johnson, boldin, and harrison. They are all set up for good games

Honest opinions on these boy names please?

These names used to be common, but not anymore! They're strong names that will stand out and can carry a person from infantry to nursing home. Remember, it's your child and not anyone else's. My best friend just had her son and named him Griffin, no one liked it, but she gets compliments on it everywhere she goes!

Daughter (1st Grade) Misbehaving. ODD? Need advice.?

My daughter is in 1st grade in a private school. She's been getting in trouble lately for a variety of issues. Doesn't raise her hand to talk in cl or talks over other people when it's their turn. Steps on kids shoes and trips them. She and other girls were throwing rocks at the school. She gets up and bothers kids while they are doing their homework in the middle of cl. We've tried a variety of punishments...time outs, time spent in room, we've taken privaleges and favorite toys away. As a last resort, we've ed her. None of these things seem to have worked. School wants to test her for an attention deficit disorder. We agree. We think there are symptoms of Opposition Defiance Disorder. Anybody have any advice.

Have you lost weight and kept it off?

I would like to know what you did to lose weight...unless you got gastric byp which is to me a cheat.

Dems, Cons, & Independents....can we agree on 1 subject?

Hell yeah! Illegals shouldn't be able to sue in american courts. They have already broken the law, not once, but twice!

Anyone up for an NCAA Tourney Challenge?

Hey, Basketball Section. Do you want a NCAA bball challenge? Then tell me your email and i'll invite you. It's free on CBSSports.

How long does it take ups to deliver an item?

I ordered my xbox 360 game and the tracking information says transferred to ups mail innovations destination RPF.How longer will it take to be delivered?

Ulead Video Studio 10 probs?

Well, honestly i have had a similar problem happen to me before. However, I don't re-call how i fixed it. If i were you, i would try to update the driver on my DVD Burner (to ensure there are no updates to fix burning problems). Also, I would download the update for Ulead Video Studio 10 (the link is listed below) Consequently, i do not own that program, so its hard to say. Have you ever burnt anything with that burner before? Any problems?

Could a rocket reach escape velocity without fossil power? (for example using an electric engine of sorts?)?

My question stands for even a smaller object, not as big as the huge rockets we have now. What would be the scientific breakthroughs needed in order to achieve this, if any?

How can I wire up an audio jack for my ipod in my 2005 ford focus with 6 disc changer?

I don't think I can just sister into a wire. I probably need a special plug or a new stereo. How can I do this cheaply?

A good video converter for mac that uses GPU encoding?

I need a good mac os x video converting utility that uses GPU rendering instead of Just CPU, both would be better, i have the new macbook pro it has the Nvidia 9600M GT so power is on my side, price for the software is not a problem just hit me up on your idea's thanks!

I Like My Best Guys Friend But I Have a Bf?

i really like my guy friend and we have been friends for quiet dum time and i really like him but i have a bf!!! help!

Buoyancy problem- i know its simple but im missing something?

A. 52.5N the 2x fluid provides 13N support. So water provides 1x or half 13N or 6.5N so either 59-6.5 or 46+6.5 gives 52.5

Are you concerned with toxins affecting your ability to have children?

Yes which is why we are not eating out anymore and why we always check our food for MSG. We are also making sure we eat organic foods and don't buy anything that is packaged, canned foods or canned soup such as Campbells and Progressive soups. I was forced to take Zoloft against my will as a teenager for half a year and read in the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" that can cause temporary infertility in women which worries me as we have been TTC for 3 years with no luck. I'm terrified that my taking Zoloft at 15 years old made me sterile.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

With Garnett being traded, do the Wolves basically have the Celtics roster from a couple year ago?

In the Garnett deal they get: Ratliff, Green, Telfair, Jefferson and Gomes. In the Szczerbiak deal we got Davis, Blount, Banks and Reed. That's 9 players! Somebody please tell me why Kevin McFail still has a job?

Did your teacher ever pick his our heir's nose ?

no but im catholic so i go to church and i saw this really really short old lady pick her nose lol =P

Qb for the second round of the playoffs?

id go w/Warner. the saints are horrible and the cardinals have NO running game. Although boldin is out, fitzgerald is the top reciever for the team and he should be playing. i have fitz, and expect at least 2 tds and 100yds from him.

Ladies, do you think this guy is goodlooking?

Go to google or yahoo images and type in "dustin paxton calgary" you should see a mugshot. Forget what he did just, is he goodlooking?

Do they have the game Munch Oddysee for Xbox Live?

do they have the game Munch Oddysee for Xbox Live? i had it on xbox, but then my xbox broke and it was the only game i played on xbox so i dont wanna get a whole new xbox just to play one game. ive been looking but i cant find it!

Why did the United States bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki instead of accepting Japan's surrender or peace terms?

It's my understanding that there was much more that the Japanese wanted than just the right to have a 'nominal' Emperor. The Japanese still wanted to keep much of the land they had occupied - especially in northern China for the oil and other resources. They also wanted to keep a significant military and navy. Plus there certainly was a racial aspect on the part of the allies: only unconditional surrender by these Nip/Yellow Peril/slant eyed kamikazes would be acceptable.

Can you name this track for 10 points?

It's a mive long shot! I'm trying to find a song that features in two different video games. One I believe is in one of the FIFA games, but can't say which one. Then, I remember finding it on YouTube and seeing it was either in the Burnout or NFS series as well (again, can't remember which one). If any one knows a track that's been in the FIFA games and Burnout or FIFA and NFS... I'll give you 10 points if it's the one I'm looking for! Thanks in advance!


ahahaha the answer above mine made me bust out laughing in the library im in......but no....i dont think that. actually im all against that. american muscle cars are the **** and always will be. we can find other clean ways to clean up what weve done to the planet before anyone goes near cars. so no.....i say **** priuses......but smart cars are ok hahahah.

Why are no cadidates talking about our diminishing water supply?

The Southern, Western, and South-western United States has been in a drought for years. Our potable water is diminishing to a degree that we have to ration it. Water is one of the most important resources in the world and one of the resources most taken for granted and ignored as an area of concern. The next president will likely be confronted with the issue of water and yet we hear nothing from any of the candidates about something that will affect a large part of the US. I am sure that a problem affecting so many states will have to be addressed on a Federal level and will likely result in Federal De-salting plants being built on the ocean. Why is no one talking about it?

Ok 18 and up question, is it ok to have a vibrator?

Firstly I admire your decision not to have before marriage.It would not be wrong for you to have a vibrator, you are not a pervert. you have both made a conscious decision not to have before marriage, which is good, but as a woman you still are a ual being. Having an is a great way to relieve stress and is a very strong natural painkiller, as when we our bodies release endorphins which are a very strong natural pain reliever, far better than aspirin or paracetamol

Has Carragher headed one too many foot?

after following liverpool for many years i think carragher has the right to voice an upbeat or any other opinion about winning titles. he has worked harder than most lfc players let alone other teams and after the way he was treated for england he must have felt completely rejected because all that hard work was ignored. his ommision about arsenal was an example of the sort of guy he is. reallistic hard woking prepared and optimistic

Pretty Ricky!!!! Omg Dey r So Fine!!!?

Who likes Pretty Ricky? I luv Spectacular he iz ma man!!! What song do u like by dem? i like On The Hotline, n So Confused but So Confused is ma song doe.

I need a comeback for my dumb friend?

he says hes "the bus" cuz he takes people to school on the bball court. Actually, I beat him all the time but I want to give him a good comeback...I told him the bus has a flat but that's really wack. What would you say?

I need to lay lanolium in the laundry room. I had to tear up the carpet. Do I need to sc off the foam?

My water heater broke and spilled all over the wood floor (with the foam and carpet on top). I had to remove the foam and carpet, but a thin (not too thin) layer of foam is still stuck to the floor. Should I try to sc off all the foam before laying the self-adhesive lanolium on the wood floor, or can I just lay the lanolium on top of the thin layer of foam?

Getting a horse ready for a rodeo?

Are there going to be bulls or cattle at the rodeo? I leased a horse that was pretty much bombproof at home but when I took her to the rodeo she got really scared going past the bulls. Also, I know you blasted the radio, but in the arena we were at the speakers were hanging over the middle of the ring. She only got scared going under them. Just some stuff to think about. Have a great rodeo!

How do I stop a hoarding father and an alcoholic mother?

get her to go to an aa meeting if you have the time take your dad and go you can talk about it there then get your mom to go

I think im still in love with him?

it sounds crazy because we're in 8th grade and we were in 6 when we went out but he helped me get through alot when my mother died because we were really close friends. but when we started going out it was one of those relationships where we never talked and then i ha to move to a town an hr away so we broke up. now whenever i visit its really awkward because we live in a small town in michigan so we almost always see eachother. im going to visit this weekend and i really want to work things out so what do i do/say? and what should i wear?(: its probably going to be chilly.

Quick healthy meals for me and my two year old?

I am a single mom I am a full time college student, I find it tough juggling my life between being a mum and studying so consequently I dont get much time tin the kitchen... its much easier to throw a pizza in the oven when we are hungry than rattling the pots and pans! I would really appreciate any ideas for quick healthy recipes, so I can practice in my spare time! I own a steamer that hasn't been used, and a blender! Thanks

Where can I find full episodes of Reno 911! or Mythbusters?

I want to watch them online, I've found that there is no legal site for watching full episodes so I'd like to hear about a reliable, less than legal site. Also, not so interested in short video clips. And if you don't know about those two shows in particular, that HBO miniseries about Marine Corps 1st Recon would also be welcomed. I'm bored, in college, and my TV is broken.

How should I feel about Cinco Dey Mayo? As an American from The Dixie Land?

Oh...I say live and let live...I mean, what difference does it make at the end of the day, anyway? I don't celebrate any holidays really, except for family gatherings, but I don't give a damn who celebrates what. You wanna have a Christmas parade down my street? Go right ahead. Enjoy! You wanna get drunk on St. Patty's day and urinate on the sidewalks. Be my guest. You wanna dance and eat on Cinco de Mayo. Jump to it, man. Have a blast. Just don't infringe on my right to act how I want on whatever day I want and we'll be cool.

What would the cost be to scale the Seven Summits?

if by summits you mean continents then im pretty sure QANTAS can fly you there for a cheap price around $2500

TIPS: on how not to fall asleep in cl?

I have gotten really lazy in trying to wake up to go to school. School is almost over. TAKS is coming up. And in cl i just feel so lazy all the time. I dont even feel like doing my homework. I get way to distracted. TIPS on how to be more motivated and AWAKE when going to school??

Grimms fairy tale vinyl record?

Google Grimms fair tales on vinyl & you'll come up With some informative sites,good luck on your search

Do you think he likes me?? please and ty guys! :D sorry its long?

aw seems like he does like you . :))))) you should start talkn more nd maybe he will get confident nd ask u out one day or tell u he likz uu :D

I'm going FREAKING CRAZY.......!!!!!!!!!?

i like this guy and i only see him till Tuesday and i'm getting a hint that he likes me too and i can't take it anymore I HAVE TO TELL HIM how i feel about him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… but i don't have his phone # or anyway of contacting him and i mean i have NOTHING to do 4 2 days(which will be Tuesday) and its snowy and wet outside so thats a no no and tv sux so i decided that i'm going to work on what i'm going to say any flirting tips or some tips on what i'm going to say? thanx oxoxo! oh and now its hailing (if u wanted 2 know)

What is the name of this song?

a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6fqi1R8nN0" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6fqi1R8n…/a ????? Idk.

Do you really think pushing a on can silence me?

Fellow deist, people will try to usurp your freedom of speech when it challenges their beliefs. Be proud of yourself, and don't let people get under your skin so easily.

Best Lossy Sound?

Hey guys, I'm experimenting with Itunes on getting the best sound out of my higher end headphones. I've noticed 128K sounds terrible, and I'm not getting much better at 192K. Right now I'm using 256K with Variable Bit Rate encoding. Will I be able to tell much difference between this and a cd. If not, what is the cut-off point for not being able to tell the difference?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I really like a lad but niether of us are single?

I have been with my bf for 8 years and we have a daughter whos 5. Last 2 years our relationship has been going downhill. Ive told my bf i want to move out and try living seperately. Give it ago that way. he not keen on the idea and wants us stay living togetha. But i am really unhappy. I have started talking to a lad i used be good mates with b4 i met my bf and i actually really really like him. We get on great neva run out of things to say laugh all the time. He makes me feel so happy. He also has a gf but they live 300 miles away and he finds it hard even tho he luvs her. Ive told him i like him hes told me the same. But unless i move out i dont think i would have a chance with him. I cant stop thinking about him and its making me more fed up cos i want to be with him so much. Im only 23 settled down way too early i now need live my life a little and stop being so unhappy. Really dont know what to do at all. Any ideas? xoxoxox

How many conditions are required for SHM/simple harmonic motion?

Are there two? The only one that I can think of is that there needs to be a restoring force that wants to put/get the object at equilibrium.

How does the life of Che Guevara tie into the concept of what happened in revolutionary Russia?

What one country did Che's efforts prove successful? What was accomplished in that country and when? Thank you

Women who hate other women in minis, jealousy there?

Where does this venomous hate for the mini skirt comes from? Are women really that jealous? Every year, specially when the weather gets warm, there is a crowd of us standing around different places and venues. Then some woman or women walks by in a mini. The lugs start dropping. Some overt, "I would not come out of the house looking like a street walker" "She need to put some close on" Other more direct. "She so hoochie *** all hanging out like that" "*cough* Streetwalker *cough cough*" And the women in the group who are likely to look the worse in a mini are the 1st to start in on those who can shine in them. If these women dropping these insults could ever look that well(and they could, they just don't want to work that hard)they would wear a mini in a minute. So, if they don't want to make the sacrifices or life changes to look good in a mini, why hate on those who do, or can do it with less effort? Why should those in a mini have to come down to their standards?

A few questions before i move my horse... =)?

does he get any other food than hay? and will he be turned out by himself or have pasture mates? a couple flakes a day should be fine just sprinkle it out a bit-unles the wind is bad, so it's a more natural grazing action than a pile of hay. if he will be with other horses you may run into problems

Am I going to loose my teeth?

Your doing the best thing. Get the deep cleaning done and keep up with the good cleaning habits. It isn't set in stone that you will lose your teeth. But do be faithful with dental cleanings and your own personal hygiene.

How to byp a key on a 4 wheller?

ok yes it mine i droped the key when i was puting it up well never found it agien its a 250 japanes brand. the wires that come off the key are red, black, black and white, and green. they go to a connector and then switch to red, black, green, and blue

Help me with Chemistry? im lost :'( specific heat?

the question confuses me.... i dont get it! i mean... i have done other stuff similar but this is like idk. okay. so like... i have done the stuff where you find joules and calories and Calories the whole Q=M(delta T) but this problem isnt anything like it!! okay it says.... a chunk of silver has a heat capacity of 42.8 J/degrees Centigrade. if the silver has a m of 181 g, calculate the specific heat of silver... and like it makes no sense to me! could someone please explain... not just answer but explain so i can understand problems like this is the future?

Is it safe to travel to the USA after the recognision of the Armenian Genocide, will Muslims try to retaliate?

There is always a crime risk. As for the recent House Foreign Affairs Committee approval of a resolution on the Armenian Genocide issue, I don't expect that to trickle down into any change in the U.S. crime rate.

Why do I get moist when I imagine a boy?

Don't laugh please I'm a teenager and am getting super duper curious about boys. I kissed one 4 in my cl 4 the 1st time this week & now I can't stop thinking about doing it more and touching him. It embares me but when I think about him suddenly I get slimed up in my private area-feels icky & wet. I already started my period a year ago. Why am i getting sticky is something wrong with me???? thnks.

A Bad Cough?

You need to go back to the doctor and ask him to check your lymph nodes. You have to do a series of blood tests and ex-rays. Good luck.


no vampire teeth or pencils! i'm 13 and wouldnt buy those! it depends what the fundraisers for. one of my friends make the cutest earrings and sells them for $5

Kristin Cavallari's look?

I lovee the way Kristin Cavallari looks, the girl from Laguna beach. I wanna look somewhat like her, I'm not a wannabe, I don't want to be her, but I want her hair, & her makeup ways, I have a lightish brown hair, it's not that long, longer than my shoulders though. & my eyes are a brownish color. &

Vasectomy words of wisdom ?

I had mine about 40 yrs. ago.So the procedure in regards to doing it in the first place may have changed. The woman I was married to at the time had 4 children from a prior marriage. I fathered one child and did not want any more. Based on the number of children we had the doctor consented to do the procedure. By the way it was our medical doctor who performed the procedure. Today you may get referred to a Urologist. This was done on a Friday, the dr. located the correct line (I don't know what it is called) put a small slit in the testicle , Pulled out the "line" cut this line and burned both ends, to seal them, put back in the testicle and sewed up the incision. This was done to the other testicle as well. I did not ice down my testicles enough and tried to return to work on the following Monday. I had to take off from work and go back home for a couple of days. So be sure to "ice down" for the swelling. I used condoms for a while (don't remember how long). Then was tested and my sperm was not alive and I went on from there. Things may have changed a bit as to procedure so check with your doctor.

Do you ever feel that LACK OF money holds you back from accomplishing your goals/dreams?

It's like that for me. I'd like to go to a language school, but it's $40K/yr. to get a Master's degree with a thorough education & training that will prepare you well for your career-that's the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California. It's my dream to go there for training in translating/interpreting. I also need to submerge myself into foreign cultures & countries, but I don't have the money to travel. I'd also like to become a fiction-writer & publish my books in many languages. I'm stuck in a rut here. I'm poor, disabled, & unemployed. With no money, I can't even MOVE to a different city!

Can a person file a case even he is not related to the property concerned?

a certain person is filing a perjury case against my grandfather actually it has been dismissed & the resolution state that "there is nothing to support the allegation of the complainants as to the existence of falsity when in fact the complainant do not have the right to do so....." but now they are asking for motion for reconsideration but we dont received yet a letter from the office of the prosecutor wether the consideration is granted or not. what should we do to close this case? can we file a counter case against them (the complainants)? pls help!!! thank you...

In time Twisted Island where is the glider?

Easy: Go to the Tiki hut on the far side of the island and exit out the back, go down the stairs to the left. Off in the distance You'll see a large rock. Behind that rock is a smaller rock with some moss that looks like a picture of a car. Pick that rock up and throw it into the lake that's off to your left. When the water splashes into the air, it will form a mist that will condense into a cloud that looks like a pointing hand. Run in the direction the had is pointing for about 2 miles. There, you'll see a sign post and at the base of the post the sign that fell off. Pick up the sign - underneath it is a hole with a piece of paper. NOw this paper has a code on it, something like 77E6%%QBRF (of course it's different for every player) OK ... so find a typewriter in the library in the main house and put in a piece of carbon paper ( you should have it in your inventory ) type the code on the paper and then hit tab-backspace-9-9-space-tab 4 times. A cell phone will be in the glove compartment of the car that is now parked under the tree out in the field.

What is the best anti-spyware software?

it depends because some free anti-spyware detects more spyware then paid ones while sometime paid ones are better.yes you need anti-spyware to protect your computer just in case if got a virus that your antivirus software cant detect.in my opinion the top 2 best free anti-spy is malwarebytes anti-malware and superantispyware.hope this helps

Wired AND wireless capability for desktop?

If you have a wireless router at home, then by all means hook up wireless. If you change your router settings, you can update them on your pc. You can use it both ways, or either way. Whichever is easiest for you.

I really want to move but my parents have decided to stay?

Before the end of 2010, my parents were obsessed with Georgia to the point where they even bought an amazing house. They introduced the prospect of moving to me and I liked the idea, since where we live (Dubai) is a terrible place, where racism is high and courtesy is non existent. I loved Georgia, the air is fresh, not like the desert/urban air i'm used to, people are nice, not like those arrogant Dubai locals who think they own you just because they're Daddy has a company and I was excited at the idea of starting off fresh. But now my indecisive parents are leaning towards the idea of staying in this **** hole country where opportunities are limited to non locals, due to the biased government and the lack of democracy (cmon there's no freedom of speech!) Dubai is not all glitter and gold like its portrayed. Non locals are not allowed to do many things. (eg. we aren't allowed to start busineses without being fronted by a local) I want to escape to freedom where equality exists. DUBAI IS A SHITHOLE

I really need help on this issue?

If you can forget about it move on because it's a silly thing to get mad over. If you asked him exactly like that i can't see why he got offended, maybe he was having a bad day. That wouldn't offend me.

How do I get out of a major depressive episode?

It sounds like you feel like you really have nothing at all to be happy about. Don't worry. I'm 15 and i've often felt like i don't know who i am, what i want or where the hell i'm going. Strange thing is, most of my friends feel the same way. Don't worry about it! Do what you want, don't listen to 'society' or whatever.

Atheists, how is religion controlling your life?

I keep hearing that religion was invented to control the mes and to make money from various atheist answers so please help me understand how this applies. You don't give money to church presumably, churches don't get money from the government and clearly you are free not to go so where is all the persecution? Before I was a Christian it had zero effect on me and I didn't care - what are people referring to?

Yelling at grandma with alzheimers help?

My grammas has alzheimers and gets confused alot. My aunt lives with her and so do I. Daily my aunt yells at her when my gramma asks questions. In her voice there's an annoyance and anger. I don't know what t do. Everyday she helps my grama put her pajamas on but that's when the yelling is the worst. She screams at her to puts her clothes on or off or put it in the hamper. It confuses my grama and makes up upset and she cries. I do t know why she can't just calmly point and say take this and put it in here. But she yells and says put your socks in the hamper!! She gets confused where her socks off and instead of pointing or anything she just repeats abd screams again to put them in the hamper. Another troubling time is when my grama has to take her pills. Instead of calmly explaining how to do it she just yells and says put them in your mouth an swallow! One time my grama was having trouble and my aunt just stood over her and kept yelling. This made my grama upset and confused. . She got annoyed and left. I was sittin there awkwardly and after she left I calmly explained how to do it and she was eating the pills one after another. It was kinda funny cause her face exression was like see I did it happy now! My aunt got a dog that's just a nuisance for my grama. My grama takes it out and brings it in and gets yelled at when it gets loose. She feeds it and gets yelled cause she overfeeds it. And the dogs sleeps in her room downstairs barking out the window all night while my aunts upstairs (it's a beagle and pretty much the whole town can hear it when it barks at 2 am). One day my grama went outside and I thought she was taking out the dog but she was halfway down the drive way upset and crying. I saw yer out the window so I went up to her and went for a walk. This was dangerous for her cause she is very forgetful and she's never just walked out. After a while she cheered up and I asked doest aunt --- know you left and she goes I do t know an I don't care. When we got close to the house my grma saw my aunt and sighed and was like there she is..... She started getting emotional again. Now I'm not the best grand son but I help out takingthe dog doing the dishes helping with pills but I could do more. I want to confront my aunt about the yelling but I dot want to have a confrontation. It's not even like she watches my gramma all day. While she's working my mom or other aunt comes to watch my gramma and we hired a helper for the mournings. I know with alzheimers it can be stressful day after day same questions repeated again and again but yelling isn't an option. Can someone help me with this problem. I don't havegood relations with my aunt and I don't want a big confrontation cause she can just say I'm not helping out enough and blame her stress on me. Yes I can help ou more but I don't like being around her when she's with my gramma. It's kinda confusing but can someone help or give me advice

Do you know any books with female ins with romance in it? witty and sharp sense of humor?

Gracling. Its about a girl with a gift of killing, so everyone stays away from her, but she is actually a good person, just used. Its really good!

Would you deny Jesus?

Christians deny the true Jesus which is nothing like what the Church has taught everyone with their false interpretation that they've been enforcing for the last 1700 years mostly through murder and violence. There's nothing supernatural about the bible, you simply have taken bad advice from a bunch of wolves seeking to control you.

Oh gosh. I'm in sort of a tough situation. Maybe my fellow horse people can help? (very long!!)?

I think they're just looking out for their horse. I would move to the new barn. You will meet new people and you will have Dega!! Plus you had more ups than downs listed here. I would move if i were you

Friday, November 11, 2011

Help me...Its personal!?

My brother(15) and my dad are in a fued over stuff and its startin to get scary they really just yell alot and its scary...really scary. I cry alot but it doesn't make a difference and i tell them to stop but it doesn't work!please help me!

Does your looks tell if your a good bball player?

Since i'm a woman i've been criticized to be a sucky basketball player. When they see me play they feel stupid and dumb. How can i stop them from doing this?

Which Baby Einstein DVD is for 3 month olds?

My baby just turned 3 months and he is already interested in colors and moving shapes .. I want to get him a baby einstein DVD but I'm not sure which one is for a 3month old.. I think Mozart? And Monet?

Ideas for a joint spliff or marijuana cigarette costume?

my hubby and I are dressing as cheech and chong and one of our friends wants to dress up as a joint to complete the ensemble. Please help me brainstorm. was thinking about wrapping her in a sheet, then trying to think of where to go from there. Thanks!

Is there a new law exempting military retirement income in the state of Ohio?

I have heard that the state of Ohio ped legislation that military retirement is no longer taxable income. Is this true and where can I find this information? Thank you.

Ideas for a Team Voldemort Shirt?

lol those girls will eat you alive... Maybe put TEAM VOLDE and a picuture of him under the name,lol.. i think it will attract the nerdy guys than the girls

I have a 96 cr125, it overheated an i think the jug is cracked.?

The guy i bought it from had the top end rebuilt but i guess forgot to put a radiator hose clamp on so when i was ridin came off an leeked all the coolant. it locked the motor up and i think cracked the jug. it will still run but when i take the plug out it has water on it. i didnt feel like messin with it so its just been sitting in the garage. i would just like to know if i should just replace the jug or what to do... please help a brotha out!! ha

NFL Playoffs AFC & NFC your picks?

Colts are too hot-will win it all. Ravens have solid D. Cardinals have no D. Eagles are as good as ever. Next week the Ravens will win in Tennessee. Colts beat the Steelers and then beat the Ravens in the title game. Eagles win in NY and the Falcons lose to Minnesota. Minnesota then loses to Carolina. Carolina over Philly in the title game and Colts over Carolina in the SB

If i have my permit & move to a different state do i lose my permit?

I live in NJ, & I am supposed to be moving to upstate NY. I am sixteen & I do have a permit. I took my test & completed my six hours. Does me moving, affect my permit, or affect the time I get my license?

Do you feel bad for naive/ignorant people?

no they've made their choice, taking a chance at bettering yourself is always a choice, folks just gotta learn to question things more, such as the status quo is a good a start as any, all you can do is cast them aside and keep moving

Should I join the army please help!?

I am 18 nearly 19 im 5 ft 1 and 12 st 5 pounds i want to become a nurse and im thinking about doing it with the armed forces but its a 7 year contract and im sceard of signing my life away plus i have a very close family and would miss them like crazy but at the same time they all have there own lifes im really confused HELP! lol any advise would be helpful thx abbz

Hello yahoo! if you are listening, can you fix my mail?

I have come to value the fact that your e-mail used to be dependable, but that doesn't exist anymore. Just wondered if I should start using G-mail or are you going to fix your problems soon? Just wondering as it doesn't matter much to me as I am able to find a dependable e-mail.

♥ What are some good things you like about your spouse?

i love the fact that he isn't weirded out by the random thoughts that fall out of my mouth. i love his laughter and his dedication to his family. i love his beard and how he will grow it out or shave it off at my request. i love how he always always always kisses me goodbye and hello and gets upset if i forget. i love how he can make me feel better just by sitting next to me and so many other things. we've been together for 8 years and married for 2. i doubt i would ever take anything about him for granted. i know that's not a very long time but if i hadn't thought every day of my life with him would be awesome in some way i wouldn't have married him. no doubts...no regrets.

Do you think an organization for Illegals should be tax exempt and deductions should be deductable?

a href="http://www.iyjl.org/?p=1971&utm_source=Immigrant+Youth+Justice+League+Newsletter&utm_campaign=7036c92b6d-One_day_before_March_10th3_9_2011&utm_medium=email" rel="nofollow"http://www.iyjl.org/?p=1971&utm_source=I…/a

What do you know about the World Bank and the IMF? Opinions on each?

Well said. Thanks. Furthermore and, according to the book "The Creature from Jekyll Island..." (on same subject) we are so screwed

Wat can be used as an address proof for applying for a fresh pport?

i dont have a bank account,ration card,voters id till now.what should i provide as my address proof???

I am going on a 100km hike through the rainforest, I have some questions.?

My departure is going to be from the town of Iranduba, I am headed South. I need to finish this trip in ten days. I need to cross the river on the first day. I was wondering what the most effective way to cross the river would be? I was planning on either renting a boat from a local or having a local take me accross. Also I am carrying 50lbs of gear at maximum. I have a well thought out list but what would be your suggestions to bring along.

What song is this? please?

some of the words are like this: I've been sittin on the inside, waitin for my ride on the outside, she stole my heart in the trailor park, so i took the keys to her fathers car and crashed that chevorlet and then stepped away. Does anybody know?

Spiritually speaking, how am I to understand this verse?

i have answered a similar question. if you look at the time period, the area, and the laws of the land at that time, women were thought of in the public eye as nothing more than an object to be seen and not heard. if paul were writhing in this time period, im sure he would have written something else. do not ignore it, but do not let it bother you either. if you want to understand it further, ask your pastor, who is more qualified to answer that question than i am

Should i invite him?

i'm extremely attracted to this guy and would like to invite him home to stay for a day(my parents would be out of station).but the problem is i'm already in love with another person and the clash within me is killing...i dont know what to decide...will it be like cheating if i allow my urge to dominate my morale..


i'm bi and i need to tell my dad and stepmom. i no my parents don't staight up hate gay people, but i don't know really know where they stand or how they would react if it was their daughter. I have a girlfriend and we want to get married so I'm gonna have to tell them, but I am so scared about their reaction. I don't want them to think biuality is a phase or something. My parents are divorced and i told my mom and she thinks its just i can't get any guys and i found a friend who i'm close to so i think its love. She is SOOOO wrong though. I don't know what to do! My mom doesn't take it seriously at all! She says because I haven't been in a serious relationship with a guy, I've found a close friend who is a girl and I'm lonely so I'm mistaking close friendship for love! How can I convince her otherwise! I KNOW I am madly in love with my girlfriend and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I've never been as happy as I am now that I'm with her. I think it would actually be easier if I was coming out as a lebian rather than bi. HELP!!

My in-laws are judgmental & disrespectful. They will be a bad influence on my son, should I let them see him?

My relationship with the in laws has always been extremely strained because they are judgmental, opinionated, and religiously intolerant. My biggest concern is about how they talk to me in front of my son. I grew up knowing my husband's family and have always witnessed my mother-in-law act condescending and disrespectful to my own mom. It is this behavior I will not tolerate in front of my son. I have already had a break-through with them about this and they flat-out told me to grow up. My husband also talked to them about it and told them that he didn't like the way they treated me as well, but they still refused to see our point. (scarry how my mother-in-law reminds me of Marie in Everybody Loves Ramond!) At this point I cannot see myself ever letting them be a part of my son's life. What are your opinions?

How can i get rid of the spiders living in my cars wing mirrors??!!?

(lmao) i had one that was amazing, he walked about on his web up to the 50 60 mark but 90 110 he gripped on with all legs and never moved, soon as you dropped to the 50 60 off he'd go again...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is it better to reject someone using a service or in person?

I think it is nicer to give someone my onlinerejection.com email address or give them the rejection hotline number rather than just shoot them down in person. At first I felt a little whimpy, but in the end, I think it is easier for them too. What do you think?

What happened to all the smog that used to hang over our cities?

i remember growing up in the sixties and seventies, every major city was enveloped in smog and pollution, they are never like that now, perhaps l.a., but every city used to look like l.a. back then...and it was much cooler, ....hmmm. now wait a second, there was more smog back then and it was cooler, not much sun getting through....now, not so much smog and it's getting warmer....more sun getting THROUGH! OMFG! GET ME ALGORE ON THE HORN RIGHT FREAKING NOW!

More and more and more stress, help?

I have the worst sore throat of my life, i cant breathe im so stuffed up, my school work is just making me mad and not helping me, and my rents wont stop yelling at me for every singe thing. I just want to drown in my hot chocolate, what are some good stress relievers?

How can I go back to my Yahoo Mail US, don't like Yahoo 7?

I mistakenly clicked "yes" to the question " do you like to move your Yahoo Mail to Yahoo 7 (Australia) It keeps on popping up so I mistakenly clicked on yes. How can I go back to my Yahoo Mail US? The news are all about Australia...OMG

Whats the best way to ask a girl out?

whats the best way to ask and best place to go? im 15 but ive nvr been on a date. ideas? suggestions?


I have PCs sharing the same network (wireless router) and yes i can share media between them, WMP wont let me Transfer media files, is there a way on how to do that, because i want to save files that are on one pc to the other because one of them needs rebooting.

Can I sell a car even if my moms name is on the title with an "or" between our names without her authorization?

I'm turning 18 in november, I will have a job being a cna about a month after I turn 18 and that's when I plan on trading my car in and getting another to get her name off of my title..

What is the name of a late 1980's comedy about purgatory where a man gets hit by a bus in his new BMW?

I male actor, looks like Mike Golic, dies in a car accident and is sent to a town where the recently deceased are put on trial to see if they go to heaven or hell. The genre of the movie is a comedy. While our protagonist didn't lead the most productive life, he meets a woman that lived and outstanding life and died from slipping and falling by a pool. The actress that plays her resembles a Helen Hunt or Jodie Foster. Some moments of the movie I remember: When the man first arrives in Purgatory he goes to a breakfast diner and his food is ready right when he orders it because that is the way the town works. The man and woman go out on a date to a place where they can witness their former lives. The woman's former life is bliss, while his former life he appeared to be a native being hunted down for dinner. During his trial the court witnessed him talking his buddy out of buying Casio stock when Casio first began. During her trial she saves a family from a burning house.

Is my friend right about me crossing the line?

She's your boss, and she's the boss of the guy renovating, so there's no elder respect thing. If you were in an office and your manager was younger than you would you tell them off for being "rude"? I think not. And fior her asking you to sweep the porch, how's that rude? It's your job to clean, so clean or quit

I'm 25 years old and I want to kill myself?

I get so sick every year. I hate my job and I haven't been going to work. I've been taking cough medicine every 4 hours for 5 days already. I have no friends I hate my life and I want to die immediately. I called the suicide hotline in the past, tried medication it's just not working. I want to jump off a bridge.

Guys Only: if you flirt with a girl .... (short) .???? :)?

He likes you for sure. But he may be shy or nervous to ask you out. Compliment him on little things all the time (hair, shoes, body, smell, lol idk) and see what he does. If you think he wants to ask you out but cant get the bat off his shoulders, you should ask him if he likes you. But most importantly, be cool. Guys hate a girl that comes on too strong. So go out and get your man. Your peers on yahooanswers have your back. Good luck!!!

Wouldn't A Government Sponsored Bail Out Of Mortage Lenders Go Against GSE Reform?

depends. the Constitution enables the government to *promote* the general welfare. If you think that giving mortgage lenders a loan is bailing them out, and that this is *providing* welfare, rather than *promoting* it, then you may be right. But if they pay it all back, it's just a loan.

The movie beastly????????????

I really want to see the movie Beastly with my mom and younger sister since its still playing at my local theatre. My mom will get really mad at me if it has any or related topics considering my sister is still ten and want to keep her innocense at a ration since she already knows what is and how a baby is made. can anyone whos already seen it tell me if theres any or related topics?

I dont know whether anyone will know about kidsgrove train station or not but if they do then click here plz!!?

Here you go: a href="http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations/kdg/details.html#Fareshttp://www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations/kdg/details.html#Fares" rel="nofollow"http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations/k…/a

Opinion on Weeds (Showtime)?

Ok so i have been watching weeds on netflix, and im on season 5. I love the show, mainly because of the storyline and the supporting actors that really make the show like doug, andy, celia. but I cannot get over the fact that I hate Nancy! That dumb expression she always has on her face with that michael jackson nose and her terrible acting is getting on my last nerve! what do yall think? love the show though haha

Should America invade and conquer Mexico ?

Rampant Illegal and legal immigration lower wages and reduce towns to shambles . More people have died in Mexico this year than in Iraq from violence , Mexico has a wealth of mineral and oil deposits . Their government is arguably the most corrupt in the world . Illicit narcotics come through and flood American streets from Mexico . Mexican people have not the vaccination luxuries as Americans meaning that it's a ticking time bomb before a really nasty virus is spread , jobs are hard to find and when found are mostly all Hispanic because employers exploit their hard working ways for low pay once again uring the rich stay rich while the poor get poorer , the last job I had for 2 days and It was literally all Hispanic besides me , why doesn't the US just say enough with it and invade and conquer Mexico to install a stable non-corrupt government . They could tax the people and build legitimate corporations so the people would not want to leave that area it's a win win the military will get what they want , more war ( job security ) , the people of the US will get what they want ( fair wages ) and the Mexican people will get what they want jobs and a safe legitimate government which would look out for everyone's needs not just the top 10 % ?

What dictionary you recommend to build up vocabulary?

That would be a great way to build vocabulary. You should read alot of books and any word you dont know the meaning of, look it up. Thats the best way to learn new words. :) Also you can try: freerice.com this website is a fun way to learn new vocabulary while doing good for the world at the same time. (Go there and youll see why) Also if you visit a Barnes & Noble bookstore you will find countless books with worksheets and other things to help improve vocabulary.

How would you pronounce MADELEINE?

Like the french, Mad eh len. However, if you live in the US it will probably get mispronounced as Madeline or Madelyn.

Am I a victim of an internet fraud?

It has been 3 weeks since I ordered 2-units of celphone from SKTelecoms a.k.a kenelectronicsltd@hotmail.com in UK, but until now i havent received the items yet. The negotiation was thru a msn chat and the payment was made thru Western union. He told me that I have to pay another since he doubled the quantity of my order with one free (for a total of 5 celphones) because of their change in minimum order policy. Am I a victim of an internet fraud? Can I get my money that I paid to him? In what proper authorities should I call for help?

HOUSE-BUYING istance programs - anyone know much about this?

Unless this is a government program, do not get involved in this. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and this smells a bit of a scam to me.

Give your thoughts on hull city, was you glad they stayed up, how did the man u fans feel?

im glad they stayed up and that united won. its not nice to be the team to relegate another. unless it's a fierce rival. in that case, it would be great.

What is SEO or Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is different to PPC in the fact that it involves changing key areas of a website in order for search engines to index (or look at) your website, as opposed to buying your way in search engine results pages (SERPS).

Some please help me find this song!!!?

if you google the phrase "search by lyric", it will give you links to several different search engines that you can type those lyrics in to... there's a good chance one of them will have it.

Any experience with quikrete walkmaker? Or other concrete molds?

I found that they looked a little cheesy. Whatever you use you want to make sure that you have a well leveled base. If you cut corners, you will just regret it in the end. I would opt for a sand base and some pavers or bricks. There are so many wonderful designs out now, they look much better than concrete, it's all doable by a DIY and will save you $$$.

If i buy land in CA with only a well and then place a solar trailer-home on it, could i reappraise it for?

any equity? uming it is desirable land with a beautiful view visible from a very stylish "home" and discrete "trailer." Also uming much landscaping and road work was I'm proved and the trailer included all utilities and appliances and solar system and back up generator and shed, etc. Will the bank give me equity, and if so, how much less than the identicle house on a perminent foundation?

Has anyone ever had a boyfriend who was in a fraternity?

i have an ex who is in a fraternity (we just broke up because of the frat and hes not spending time with me anymore, but we were dating BEFORE he was in a frat) and now he's totally changed and the whole frat is ruling his life and when i tell him about it, he just CANT SEE IT! how do i deal with that and when will he ever see that he's changed?

What could happen to me?

if they had no info on you that means that nothing happened, "innocent until proven guilty", anyways call for another appointment (when you'll be able to), you arrived at us legally (as you do not need a visa from australia), you are married to us military officer, the lv police has nothing on you, you should get your papers

Confirmation of Hepatitis B?

If you have completed the vaccine program you should have no problem what so ever. Additionally merely touching blood should not be a concern provided that you wash your hands......Hand washing is still considered the leading form of protection from most every virus known to mankind

Give us the cure for cancer?

I lost my mom to cancer and I know there's many ppl dying each day I know they have a cure if they can create a atom smasher and know many things about space and how it started why can't they save lifes if u donate money your just making these ppl rich research my *** no one is keeping track of that money they making billions while killen millions we need a revolution we need to take a stand

I had a bipolar meltdown at school and now the school thinks I'm a freak?

I had a manic meltdown at school and yelled at my teacher "... it's because I'm bipolar isn't it?!" and ever since everybody has been ignoring me. I don't want to go to school tomorrow and I'm tired of my meds and I want it to stop!!! WHAT DO I DO??

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Number one in google?

i have a small buisness in reno nv. we are currently building a website for my buisness.. but my question is how do i make my website up in the top three results when you search my type of buisness???

What does it mean when your PS3 won't turn on?

I was playing Arkham Asylum (if it has to do with the game, I was fighting Ivy), and I decided to quit. I turned it off, but what I noticed was the screen turned black rather than the home screen with the XMB. I tried turning it off with the power on on the front, but it wouldn't so I resorted to using the master switch at the rear. I turned it back on, and tried turning the system on entirely but what happened was my system's power light turning green promptly, then blink red after unless I pushed the power on on the front again. I believe that I am currently experiencing the infamous "Yellow Light of Death", PS3's equivalent to the RRoD for the 360. I was wondering if there was any form of fix for this? I have a 3 year warranty for Best Buy, and a warranty from Sony as well (I think it's expired). It's the 80 Gb PS3 Motorstorm Bundle, I'd rather not replace it as it has backwards compatibility. I heard that removing the HDD would solve the issue, but I had no proper screw drivers (the screw head began stripping) and I learned that my data would be gone. Although I've been hammering potential responders with details, my main question is: Can the PS3 YLoD be fixed? Does it mean my unit is bad and should be replaced with a brand new unit as a whole? Uncharted 2 is on its way next week, I have it pre-ordered and it'd be really nice to have my PS3 working by then. I worked hard all week at school and never get time to play, this happens Friday evening...FML. Anyways, thanks to everyone that answers!

How do u get strat hair?

do you mean Straight hair????....You use flat irons....You can get them at walmart, Target, or any kind of store that is like another walmart or target.....The best name brand is Conair......GOOD LUCK!!!!....Oh you can get them at the Beauty supply store......They have the goodest ceramic flat irons.....You can also get some pressing combs...... You can get that at Walmart....Target....The beauty supply store......Or The Summit Place Mall.....In the hair salon.....They will tell you how and where you can get them in the Summit Place Mall......

Do I have asthma? these are my symptoms?

hmmmm... well, i think you do have asthma, because that use to happen to me, i used to always use my inhaler but ive calmed down now.. or you may have tonsils, because my little cousin has and she is getting these symptoms alot now, she is going to have a operation soon. but really i consinder you to see your doctor tomorow or later. Hope i helped and i hope you feel better soon xxx

What do you think of 'Down the Road a Bit' poem?

You could read this literally and drag the heathen out! You do like to have an edge don't you? Great refrain: just down the road a bit.

Snackbar ideas/concession stand ideas?

i work at a small snack bar during the adult softball games from 6-9pm. we have been having some bad money problem; the employees are making more than the actual snack bar is and we've been losing alot of money. we've got plenty of things; hot dogs, nachos, popsicles, tons of candy, sodas, few energy drinks, iced teas, and just recently began a grill where me make sliders. and the prices seem decent. but business is still so slow. any suggestions with marketing or just any other products that would sell well? we're low on cash so can't be too pricey but really any suggestions would be great. thanks!

How much for a taxi from Midway Airport to the Loop area, Chicago?

The wife and I are looking at renting a car and paying for parking in the hotel parking lot or taking a cab from Midway to the hotel we're going to stay at in the Loop. About how much could we expect to pay for a cab one way? Thanks!

How do i get this sbag to leave me alone?

I asked this guy out on a date back in high school two years ago, and he turned me down, laughed and humiliated me saying he only dated popular girls. I was kind of geeky back then. Yesterday i just found out that he goes to the same college as me and i met him in the student hangout. He said that i looked hot and said he would like to go on that date i asked him to go on a couple years back. I told him to go to hell and that i had a real man.(I have a boyfriend)I told him that i am not going top leave my gentlemen boyfriend for a slime ball like you and walked off. He said he is going to keep pursuing me. I have not told my boyfriend about this yet but i really want that to leave me be.

Do condoms prevent AIDS?

i have been told that condoms do not prevent it, and that they do. so i am kinda confused to the asnwer know? sorry. and if your going to snawer rudely, dont bother answerinf at all.

What do girls really want i mean i know this girl natasha shes the most beautiful girl i've ever seen?

she a girl that goes to pister middle school she beautiful she has a face of a goddess i wanted to ask her out but i was to afraid she has the greatest laugh i wanna ask her but so many other guys ask her out and better looking than me im fat and she's beauiful i dont know what to do my heart burns like thousands of white suns for her can someone help me

Transfer music to microsd for lg chocolate from verizon?

me and my girlfriend just bought a lg chocolate today. I know this have been asked several times, i googled and read the answers from different people here but cant seem to play the music from the sdcard. I did everything using wmp and sync'd all the music to the card, now i put the card back in the phone but cant seem to find the files. Where do i go after i put the sdcard in the phone??? thank you

Bball Drills with just one or two people.?

I would like some drills I can do myself to enhance my bball skills, particulary speed and defense my two weakest points. My coach told me to jump rope everyday for speed, but what else can i do ? And I would still like to practice everything else to. I know a few drills, but im tryin to find enough drills so i can practice 3hrs. I play SG if that helps in some way. Thanks.

Scion tC paint job pricing?

Im gonna buy a 2007 Scion tC. Its black but i also want to paint the bottom half of it navy blue. How much would that cost me?

Puggle or Miniature Pinscher for 7 yr old boy with Cerebral Palsy?

Looking for a little playmate for my son and our eight month old male minpin (miniature pinscher). I'm thinking either a female minpin, or a female puggle. I don't know if keeping the breed the same would matter. The minpin we have now is sooo gentle and cute. He's curious, but doesn't chomp or pester the little guy as he sits in his wheelchair. They both play on the bed lovingly, and I'm told puggles are sweet natured as well. But I dont' know if it's better to accent one breed with another, or just stick with a female minpin. Any thoughts?

HELP. Seriously doubting my sanity.?

Nothing is wrong with you, we all have fears/phobias. Yours is quite common actually. You said that you haven't always been this way, so maybe it will p. But, if it doesn't then don't feel bad about it, just find a way to cope with it. Wear head phones and listen to music when its getting ready to storm and getting yourself occupied with something that really takes your mind off of it like exercising or something like that.

Trade evaluation? help?

No dice. I know you are hurting for a WR, but giving away the consensus #1 fantasy player is not the way to fix it. One for one trades make more sense to me, that way you don't have to scramble your brain wondering if you are making a mistake or not.

Better job, Nurse (RN) or Ultrasound Tech?

Do you think there are far more RN opportunities than ultrasound techs. My current major is pre-ultrasound, but I'm reconsidering because of poor job outlook. Almost every hospital / clinic I look at only have part time or per diem openings. But RN openings are abundant. Any thoughts?


Anyone had any real problems with them? Ive seen the sites where they show problems and all but how often can that happen REALLY?? And saline vs silicone gel (new!!!)?? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I DO WANT THEM THO...only cuz I they arent as pretty as they used to be after child birth...so Im not lookin for Pam or Dolly ...just a little better then what I have. thanks

My dog killed another dog - What are my options?

You people are very rude I feel for you but really I don't think anything will help you in this case unless you can have the vet say what he/she thinks happened meaning the dog was hit by a car first and its unlikely that your dog killed it sorry my heart goes out to you and your dog

Is it funny how Cons think they have all kinds of control now? Will they repeal health care? No. Why not?

I would like the know the point of me answering this is. You obviously are close minded and don't want to hear anything from republicans about this issue. Thats why you answered your own question about healthcare. You just want to hear dems run their mouths about how much republicans suck right? Well, i may not know everything about politics, but i do know enough to say this. Republicans will repeal health care easily due to the fact that %70 of the nation DOES NOT WANT HEALTHCARE!

Do u believe in last life love?

i know it sounds strange but do u think that sometime ur future love right now is ur last life love? like u neva meet him and when u do, u 2 just meant to be together because of the good deeds and charity u done together in ur last life that lead u to be together in this life again. i hope u understand what i am saying

Would u sneak drugs to an addict? ur Mom?

No. If you do, she'll just get further into her addiction. She's your mom, I know, but it is better for her if you don't.

Should I do it myself or hire a pro for a patio??

I wanted to pour an additional concrete slab next ot my current one the new slab will be approximately 6' by 10'. I just want the new part to look good against the existing patio. Should I do this myself or hire a pro? Will I be able to get someone to do such a small job?? Any ideas of what this might cost (labor and materials) would be appreciated.

Are u psychic? Test Your powers here!?

I love sweet tea. I love math, theatre arts and horses. I love roller-coasters. I hate heavy metal music. I hate Selena Gomez. I like Miley Cyrus okay. I love chinese and mexican food. I am a true Texan. Try your best to guess who I am ( my name ) and/ or something true and specific about me.

1999 gmc sonoma regular cab 4x2 in snow?

So i ended up with a gmc sonoma regular cab 2WD. I currently live in upstate NY and am moving to Ohio. Im not used to Ohio weather so i dont know how much snow Ill really have to cope with there, but either way are there any tips on snow driving other than weight the rear axle, skinny snow tires, and forget 1st gear for the winter?

Survey - How would you avoid burnout after a 12 hour shift and then working Saturday ?

get a lot of sleep, avoid junk food *opt for high protein, veggies & fruit), avoid sugars,cut back on the caffeine try some stretches intermittently throughout the day

Will next year be a charm for Kevin Garnett?

He needs that ring!!! Of course there are other vets who need it too!!! But, I think he deserves it more!!!

Rumors about Obama and all?

Rumor is, the other species of skunks have stripes and stink to high heaven, but that's just a rumor, until you see one up close and personal.

Big Brother 8 question?

Okay so since and Danielle are up on the block and the power or veto is on Tuesday..how are either of them going to be able to make it to the final three now? I am confused about the games rules. Can someone please explain what the power of veto is and do all of them compete in it? Also who is going to vote for and danielle..just Zack and Jameka?

An extra 100 buckkks?

i have an extra 100 on my card this month since ive been soooo busy so what should i buy i want a new wristlet or jewlery or something i love urban outfitters, nordstrom, free people and bloomies... haha thx... and my style is pretty boho chic with a bit of rock glamour

My Holden Commodore VT's A/C is not giving off cool air. Settings are correct. What could be possibly wrong?

The fan is working, the A/C on lights up when activated and the settings are all correct but still no cool air.

I like a guy with a long-term girlfriend... advice?

He may deserve better, but he has to choose it. You will have to let it run its course and be patient.

Taurus Judge choke threads...?

i have a Taurus Judge (.45 LC/.410 shotshell) and i wanted to try to modify it (most likely hire a licensed gunsmith for legality's sake) to accept a choke. because of the rifled barrel the shotshell pattern expands way to fast. i am not familiar with shotguns, but i do know that a choke tightens up the pattern. are the threads for a choke on the inside of the barrel or the outside? if so, does that mean that i would always need a choke when firing shotshells (so the threads are protected from the buckshot)???

How Invisibility Cloaks Work?

You get under it and you can't be seen. Really neat if you can get your hands on one. I lost mine when I was at Hogwarts, Filch took it from me and I never got it back. Now that I'm an Auror I'm going to go back and get it. HA HA HA. I may even take Mr. Flich's cat while I'm there.

93 Dodge Ram D150 p side wheel getting HOT! and Jerky!?

I need a little bit of guidance here. I have a 93 dodge ram D150 that on long drives, mostly with alot of stop and go the penger side wheel gets really hot and even melted the plastic part of the hub cap. After awhile of this going on, If I continue to drive it, the truck will start to shake and if I dont hang onto the steering wheel it wants to drift off to the right. BUT if I drive down the freeway for 2-3 hours I dont have this issue, mostly starts happening after an hour of city driving or alot of stop and go.

Crib to bed transition, how do I make electrical/plug in stuff safe?

There are plastic outlet covers; they're sold at Walmart and hardware stores. You could get batteries for the cd player and for white noise, turn the dial inbetween radio stations to static.Also, they make these "lamps" (just looks like a white plastic with a circle where you screw in a light bulb) that have sticky pads on the back of them, you could stick one on the wall and put in either a night light bulb, or low watt bulb. Hope this helps :)

How do I fix my computer to redirect to a link inside a website?

Example: I open an email for Yahoo Personals....when I click on the web link in the letter it will not take me to that link.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Astronomy question about the horizon?

You always learn more when you learn these things for yourself. Here is your answer: a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizon" rel="nofollow"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizon/a

What is a brine shrimp cyst?

It's when a Brine Shrimp is held in a state of suspended-animation. That's what sea monkeys are. They're just Brine Shrimp cysts. The shrimp are still alive, just in.... Hibernation is the best way I can describe it. When they hit the water and receive certain activators, the shrimp come out of their cysts, and begin life (Again).

Foster care adoption basics?

My husband and I are planning to adopt through the foster care system. We are a military family currently in Washington state, but he is a texan and I am a north dakotan. Do we have to adopt from Washington, or can we adopt from one of our home states? What about a neighbor state of Washington? (Idaho, Oregon) Thanks for any help you can give!

Paying full months rent for 5 days of July?

My wife and I are moving. I was at retraining at Knox (which messed up, causing our movers to be delayed). My wife gave the apartment manager 60 days notice, and stated to her there might be a slight possibility of us staying a few days in July. Well, the movers cant come till July 5, and we are leaving the 18th to sign in (parents will be here for movers). Its a month to month rent lease now, and it does state full months rent for partial stay, but this manager never really enforces anything on the lease like loud music eviction. I know military orders can cancel a lease in Ohio, but what about this situation. We gave them plenty of notice, is there a military clause or something requiring them to prorate? Could my parents show them the moving orders to try to get out of a full month of rent, its a huge hle for so few days.

I hate/dislike my uncle??????

To be honest, I think your uncle is a walking, talking, ironic oxymoron. He seems to be a freeloader whom likes to control others' lives. I would use him as a prime example of what you DON'T want to be when you get older. It sounds like he has some kind of mental problems. I'd personally try to avoid him as best as i could, if i were you, that is. Then again, you may or may not have the same opinion whatsoever.

How can i improve my figure drawings ? ( 10 points for best answer) pictures included.?

your very talented, if you had an interest in the fashion idustry then i dont see why you couldnt have that career,

My boss has no compion for other people. He threatened to fire me for being sick.?

I had the flu and was off for 3 days. There was no way I could be at work. I was vomiting, diarrhea and fever. It was bad. I had a doctors note telling me to stay home. About 4 months later, I was in the Emergency Room with pain in my side. They thought it was kidneys or appendix. After hours of testing they couldn't pin point my problem in the ER. They sent me home with Narcotic pain meds and told me to see my family doctor. When I saw my doctor the next day he said my pain is stress induced. I told him that my boss is a tyrant. He yells and screams at me. He gets in my face pointing his finger at me and swearing. It's horrible. I dread coming to work because you never know when he's going to go off. And it's not just me, he treats everyone this way. But my doctor has known me for 25 years and said this job is not worth my health. After seeing my doctor and coming back to work I was called into my bosses office. He told me my excessive absence this week is unacceptable. I told him I was in the ER and he didn't care. He said either be here or be fired. Can I sue him for verbal abuse. Can I leave this place and get unemployment. What can I do! I feel trapped.

Laptop crashed, need advice on buying a new one ASAP?

you must have bring ur laptop everywhere you go. let the next one be a heavy duty one. i recommend twinhead durabook, not expensive, not bad customer support. go a href="http://www.twinhead.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.twinhead.com/a to find out more.

Christian Woman pastors and ministers..whats the bible's take on this...?

I've heard that the bible speaks against women having positions of spiritual leadership over a congregation..what is your take on this?..can you guys please supply me with bible verses as well..thanks.

How do you define Religious?

Atheism is essentially the lack of an "ultimate" reality and belief in the obvious and present reality. If you believe in something beyond the natural reality then you are religious.

Tell me all about Rochester VT (weather, people, housing, restaurants, cost of living,etc)?

Rochester is a pretty small town, with just over 1100 people, the weather can be brutal in the winter though, on valentines day last year there was a huge snowstorm, which buried Rochester in about 3 feet of snow, it does get really cold too. housing cost vary greatly, as quite a few people from away come to live there, some houses are moderately expensive. for restaurants, there is a small cafe and a bar, also a place called seasoned books which has good food and a nice atmosphere. there are also a few restaurants and a great pub called D's doghouse in nearby han.

HELP!! something really embarring happen and i really need help?!?

Well me and my boyfriend decided to start experimenting with toys so I bought our first vibrator and order it on the internet and used his address to get delivered to. But the thing is it came today and my boyfriend step brother opened the package and thought it was his car part and ended up being my vibrator and my boyfriend mum,dad found out and saw it and now im too embarred to go down stairs and see them and i don't know what to do! my boyfriend brought it up stair and told me whats happened and i feel so embarred :(

Does any one know the name of the 90s song that begins "Newspapers lying by the door, and I aint missing you a

I read the paper I played the old strat I lost five hundred dollars at the dog track and the north bound train ran over my very best hat and you aint thinkin about me any more etc.

Christians only. If were supposed to go up in the rapture so easily then..........?

how come in revalation it says a third of mankind will killed before the last trumpet??? In other words suffering is gonna come before we just vanish.If you think were special and were not gonna face suffering and persecution before the rapture then your confused>

How can I deal with real life?

Im turning 22 soon. From about the time when I graduated high school at 18 until now i had big dreams I thought I would be having the time of my life pursuing. Instead, I stayed at the affordable state college to please parents and my pocket book. I never had the fun college experience. No dorms, no parties, just work and cl. I feel like the past 4 years ive been sleeping. There has been no enjoyment. Im not done with school yet either. 2 more years. I'm now at the age where people are telling me "well, you didnt puruse those goals. Youre too old now." Im constantly being reminded that I "should have found your husband in college." which leaves me reflecting on past boyfriends and how maybe I should have just stuck with someone and stopped being so picky. Im also reminded that "Your becoming an old maid." "The guys your age wanna date the 19 year olds. Your dating pool is getting small." I feel like i have nothing to look forward to. Just scrounging trying to find someone to marry, convincing myself to have kids before I go barren because my "prime child bearing age is ping quickly". Is this all there is to life? Find a man, have a kid, get a job? Watch my teeth decay, become cynical and wait for my demise? Maybe I need to talk to some new people.

Hollyoaks " Sasha stoyline"?

I feel that Hollyoaks has got it all wrong about the 'Sasha on drugs' storyline. Since this is aimed at a teenage audience, I feel they have a responsibility to GET IT RIGHT. I don't know where the researchers are going to, to get their research for this but they are getting it all wrong. Therefore ( impressionable) young people watching the programme get false ideas about drugs and drug taking, resulting in unneccesary prejudices about people who use drugs, stop using the word SMACKHEAD for a start and start showing the other side to it, for example how the person becomes hooked on the drug in the first place, the impact it has on them mentally, emotionally and physically ( the whole picture) AND the impact it has on their families and friends.THEN today's youngsters may start showing more empathy with drug users instead of fear and hate. Keep it real please, so today's teenagers receive the CORRECT information about such a SERIOUS issue.Who agrees/disagrees?

How can I convert a video to .WMA?

I tried to upload it to youtube but it says that I need to convert a video I made in windows movie maker to .WMA and I have no clue how to do it

How much would it cost for 9 people to go to applebees or friday's?

I would say at applebees u can do the 2 for $20 deal. so that wud be around $100 with that one extra person. And applebees has add a desert for $1.00 so you can put $10 for that....the desert is brownie with ice cream on top. I think ur bill with tip will be around $140..

My hairs falling alot! is it normal?

change your shampoo. choose one for colored hair. don't dye it again, it'll further damage your hair.

Lost and found redding ca.?

lost donna preale mays,she lived in redding ca about 10 years ago she used to work at wards auto bty tortilla flats

If Cena went to wrestle for TNA, would he receive a similar reaction like in this video link?

LOL, I clicked on the first link, it was so random and unexpected, it made me LOL, but then I saw your second link, I think TNA fans would boo John Cena, It would be similar to the Ecw reaction, it would take a lot for Cena to earn the respect of the fans in the Impact zone, and he wouldn't be accepted with open arms by the fans, at least that is what I think!

Is johnny Chash the coolest man that ever lived>?

while others where singing about peace and love Johnny was singing about cocaine and shooting a man in reno and kincking his dad's *** on a boy name Sue.

Why don't the American people want the type of health care that France, Great Britain and Canada ha?

The government can't run medicare, the VA or Tricare Health systems efficiently so why should they be trusted to run THIS one? It's just another example of something being "broken" that Social Democrats have to regulate such as global warming, naturally-occurring animal species extinctions, energy, etc. plus, everytime I hear a Social Democrat speak about it, the story changes! I concurr on opening up the interstate markets: out of 3,000 companies, only six are available to California small businesses due to federal regulations...

Is it bad wedding etiquette not to invite the stepmom, to honor the real mom?

I've been a friend to the bride for 18yrs. 2 wks. before the wedding I was told by my partner that his daughter didn't want me there and her excuse was honoring her biological mother in this way. The Bride & Groom paid for everything themselves so nobody could have a say in what happeded. Now the wedding is over and my partner has told me that his daughter still wants me in her life but she has yet to talk to me herself. I'm very upset that after 18yrs of being called the other mom, that someone could do this to me. I don't know how to get over this so that we can all be one big happy family again. Or should I just chalk it up as a loss and get on with my life.

How can i relax?

Turn bright lights off, take some headache medicine, lie down on your back on the most comfortable piece of furniture in your house, close your eyes, block all incoming thoughts entering your mind completely out, and breath deeply and rythmically.

Easy home made granite cleaner?

I've tried granite wipes and usually spray 409 and scrub, but is there anything better than 409 or store bought that I can make? vinegar? baking soda?

Should I start back taking Yasmin Birth Control Pills?

I was on the pill for 8yrs and stopped because I read you shouldn't really be on it for that long. I got a breakout on my chin when I stopped but it went away within two wks. I've been off the pill for about 6months. My face is quite greasy now. I'm getting married in three months and I'll have my period on the day because of the way my cycle is. I'm thinking to go back on the pill for a year and get off when I'm ready to have a baby...is it advisable? It should control all the extra oil in my face and I can make sure I don't have my period for my wedding too... oh, my mom is a cancer survivor...I also stopped because I got scared about the additional hormones... I'm 31. Will one year make much of a difference risk wise?

Where is the missing $?

3 guys on a trip pull in to a hotel for the night. The owner usually charges $25 a night but is desparate for money so he charges the men $30. They pay $10 each and go to thier room. Later the owner feels quilty for over charging and tells his son to take the $5 and give it to the men. On his way the boy thinks to hisself that he cant divide the $5 between 3 guys so he put $2 in his pocket and gave the guys the other $3. So now each guy has paid $9 each which is $27 between the three of them. Add the $2 the boy kept and that $29. Wheres the other $1?

Monday, November 7, 2011

How long would it take from Dulles to DC downtown on a saturday morning?

I will connect flights in Dulles airport and I want to visit the monuments, but i only have a few hours. Should i stay or should i go? ;^)

Why is the law system so weak in the uk this man was jailed only 24 years for this?

Unfortunately, the Uk does not condone the death penalty for some odd reason! but 24 years..you don't know how the system works do you?...Alot of people who do acts like this never and I mean never get away. Let me tell you what happens..The sentence is 24 years, after this period he is put infront of court for a second decision relating to his actual release..he can be placed in jail for an additional 24 yrs. See the courts are smart and the public does not know of the complications during a case. Sometimes if the court imposes a high sentence some jack human rights lawyer (for publicity) challenges the decision and when this happens the criminal has a second chance of escaping liability. There are always lawyers waiting to challenge high profile cases such as this only to help their own reputation. So what the court does they give a reasonable sentence only to avoid a harsher judgment being challenged by some wise *** lawyer to allow the criminal to serve time..then at the end of the 24yrs by that time the case is cold...the criminal has to face another court decision either to extend the time or release...so guess what happens an additional 24 yrs is added..so the harsh judgment is given but over time....plus these men in case you dont know how prisons work...the judge puts them in general population and the other inamtes deals with them effectively...trust me it happens always..dont think he got away...its only a false image to avoid unwanted attention

AFC championship game predictions?

i love the steelers and its in pittsburgh last time they played jets won without troy p and heath miller who is a key player 4 them so wht r ur thoughts

Why are people judged so harshly for smoking marijuana?

wow are you serious ? im sorry but you must have just smoked your illegal crapp before u wrote this . and if you dont want harsh awnsers then you shouldent have posted this question . my opinion is that the drug will kill you , same as cigarette smokers , that is a drug its just not illegal . all drugs will rewen your life seriously whats the point , gosh there are soo many inteligent people in this world that are followers and that dose appsolutally no good for anyone and your self .

How do I wrangle a lunatic?

You need a blow gun with a poison tipped dart. Here, use mine. But I'll need it back in time for work tomorrow.

How do you deal with someone who has anger probems?

well its like this i have this 18 year old boy that i call my brother he always gets mad and angery he hits thing put things he put things in his mouth like he is two and he hits his head with his hands we want to to know how we should deal with this like how to restaint him or how to help him get deal wih hs angr in anthor way

Is there any winning against the loony left ?

We shouldn't involve ourselves with their affairs- beyond selling weapons, of course (there is money to be made), or lending money (still even more money to be made). If it doesn't profit us, why are we there?

You name the new business.?

After 20 Years of working 9-5 my brother decided to go into business for himself. As a side job he renovated homes. Now he has made this his full-time career. His Speciality is remodling kitchens and basements, but he does it all. Electrical, Plumbing, Roofing, Drywall, Painting, Flooring. No job is too big or small. Right now he is working on a basement in which the people are paying over 50,000. Most of his Business is residental and he stays busy from word of mouth but our family would like to help him with advertising. Business Cards/Website etc... We dont have a clue- but we want something snappy- His Name is Paul Dilly. I would love feedback from the Yahoo users just think your answer may very well be the beginning to something huge. Thanks for your help.

Could the current spike in food and commodities prices cause m migrations and wars ?

Is this something that could destabilize governments in poor countries,and possibly cause them to attack countries like the USA that have food and petroleum reserves?

Calling all Criss Angel fans!!?

Does anyone know when Criss Angel Mindfreak Season 5 will be coming out and what network it will be on? Because I've been waiting forever to see it!

MAC voice changer programs? im looking for a LEGIT program that changes from female to male voice and etc.?

iM looking for a mac program i seen someone had on youtube they were able to change from female to a legit sounding male voice and a male was able to sound like a legit sounding female please if you know any top notch programs that really you cant tell are fake voices so i can fool my friends please post!

Why isn't WWE pushing Sheamus just because of Kevin Dunn (more inside)?

I mean, Sheamus is still good friends with Triple H and Vince and those two are like the two main bosses in WWE. They can do/say anything they want.

Is ISRAEL OVER sympathized with?

israel is americas allie in the middle east, hence the two countries are very linked. Israel is like another state of america. Its not just one sided-if it was the link wouldnt be there-israel is tactally very important to the US. I was there briefly awhile back, and the people very much consider themselves part of america. Where ever an israeli flag is flown, or sold, so is an american one. Re america needing to protect israel, not really the case, at least not militarily. Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world, and has nucleur capabilities. Of course alot of the fire power is sold/given by the US

Lauren Conrad braids...help?!?

a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apxJqnHF0Lo" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apxJqnHF0…/a

Where can I find a prom dress like this?

Maybe you should consider this website ,a href="http://www.china-walmart.com/product/category/BCBG-Max-Azria-Dresses-0-115-46-1.html?af=4" rel="nofollow"http://www.china-walmart.com/product/cat…/a .

My parents, whom I'm around pretty much all the time, are very odd, negative, rude, and it' rubbing off on me?

Hey look at the bright side...at least you've realized it. They likely never will see how negative they are or enjoy it and will be that way for the rest of their lives. You are young and you have your whole life ahead of you. Make the effort to become more positive. Try to stay away from your parents and their toxic vibes as much as you can. You can do it. :)

Why is NATO trying to kill Gaddafi when doing so is not legal?

khadafffi is using the questionable tactic of putting weapons and artillery depots in the middle of towns and cities. HE is putting his citizens at risk, and knowingly.

The Crucible Help!!!! Please?

I have to draw a picture about a character using pictures that describe their characteristics. and i need some help

How do I manage to look y without looking slutty or overtop?

I want to build my confidence and shock the hell out of my sorta guy ( LOL read my last question if ya wanna know. See I basically reside in everything sweats. Sweatshirt, sweatpants... and I want to show him I have confidence and pride in my self... any suggestions? Outfit choices... etc

Day Length-Earth's Rotation?

The acceleration due to gravity at the equator is 9.8 m/s^2. No amount of rotation will change that.


do you believe that they can actually do the tricks they say they do. and who else out there does it too

Why do conservatives oppose ual freedom?

I have no problem supporting "ual freedom" as long as those who practice it also practice the responsibility that comes with any freedom.

Is the conure charting dependable?

I recently purchased a cinnamon green cheek and the breeder told me that the DNA testing was not done but since the father is a cinnamon and the mother is a yellow sided that based on the genes the male pes it on to the female offspring and the mom does not so since it is the same color of the dad then it is female... it might not make sense because i don't understand fully when she was explaining this to me. Can anyone please help me understand this better????

My mom has acute respiratory distress and is on a ventilator. What are the options after this?

my mom went into cardiac arrest and was put on a ventilator. She was diagnosed with acute respiratory distress. i was wondering what are the possible options if she is not able to breath without it.

Do videogames ruin plasma tvs?

Ok so here's the problem. My roomate bought a samsung plasma tv, we set it up in the living room. I own an xbox 360 and play video games. Lately I play video games when I get home from school for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours. I don't play daily maybe only 3 days a week. She says that if I keep on playing I will ruin the tv and and the game will become imprinted to the screen. I honestly don't believe that would happen unless you play videogames 24/7 or leave a game paused (burns image to background). What do you think? Will it cause any damage? Please answer ASAP!

Going through my first heartbreak.I need help!?

I think you should become good friends with him that way you won't feel so bad. Then get a guy 10 times better than him.

I had gastric byp done, at the time I had gallstones that the surgeon was supposed to?

remove at the time of the operation--he didnt do it, he told me husband in the recovery room that he must not have read the report clear through so i had to have another surgery to have the gallbladder removed, is this a malpractice issue? I am just curious. or do you think it was just a stupid oversight by the doctor?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is eating dairy and eggs, but no meat okay?

I'm 13 and recently I've been coming to the realization at how horrible animal slaughter is.. so I want to become a vegetarian. I can go without meat - when I see people preparing it, it makes me sick. But one thing that is hard for me to give up... cheese, milk and all that. Those products aren't related to animal killings? Or are they? Please tell me, because I adore dairy products, and I can't see them as bad.. tell me if they are..and can I be vegetarian without banning them from my diet? Thanks in advance and sorry for the stupid question.

Romeo and juliet 1968 version?

I'm not sure why you don't just rent the movie and take a look, but Whiting did this monologue sobbing uncontrollably, screaming, crawling on the floor, grabbing at the friar's robes. He pulled out all the stops.

Question about implantation?

whos had this? when did you get it? how heavy was it? what color? how long did it last? 7 days before my period and havea very minimal amount. mind you i'm never early, either on time or usually a few days late. and i feel an achy sort of twinge??

Could I get lavish praise for "I met a park-bench poet"?

Your use of the colorful abstract ideas and metaphors is excellent.However,I couldn't say that the rhythm is absolutely flawless.

Why Dislike Arabs Pt2?

I know that not all Arabs are bad, and yes, I would allow them to. You just need to understand that there is a lot of ignorance about Islam.

Afraid to go on birth control?

...or maybe HE'S being selfish because he want's to make your entire life less enjoyable for you? I mean, so is a little less enjoyable for a short time every few days, but you'd be moody 24/7. Plus birth control pills almost always kill your libido, meaning you wont' be in the mood and will be less enjoyable for YOU. Why can't you use a different method entirely, one that will be better for both of you, like the contraceptive sponge, or an IUD?

What is the cheat in sims 3 to get rid of chimneys for fireplaces?

It wasn't really a cheat, it was probably just "moveobjects on" and then you can remove individual parts of the chimney

What are the steps to heat training my natural hair?

I've been growing my hair for about 2 1/2 years and it has grown quite a bit but due to my shrinkage(75%) I cant really enjoy my hair growth. So I have flat ironed once and blow dried like twice. Now when I blow dried my hair I must have left out some steps cus I didnt achieve soft fluffy shiney hair in fact it was a tug of war with alot of snap, crackle,pop going on lol. NowI liked the resultsof the flat iron but truth be told I didnt know what I was doing and if I did it properly,also it reverted the next day. So I havent tried since but now im just frustrated and want to loosen up my coiles without damage and losing my texture. NO RUDE OR RACIAL REMARKS!!!

Why can't people that don't have a legit answer to a legit question just shut up?

If you have noticed, there are some people who do that in every legitimate question. You will never be able to get those people to shut up, because they not only have no respect for other people, but evidently they don't respect them selves, or they would not make a fool of them selves like they do. I did not answer the other question, because it was a Mormon question, which I did not know the answer to. If every one would only answer questions that they feel they have an answer to without disrespect, this would be a better site. Just ignore them.

My daughter purchased a 7 week old bunny 9 days ago. He now has white nasal drainage.

I am concerned about snuffles. I am contacting the vet first thing in the am. Any advice for the visit to the vet to eliminate unnecessary costs, and any hope for cure?

Whats a shallower business? religion or male enhancement?

As Psalm 69 says thou shall not release thy seed into thy sock and cram it down the clothe hamper like its been there along time, amen. But really even if religion was at some point a moral guideline its now mostly business and fear sells. Like male enhancement says you're member is so small no girl will want you, god wont want you, buy these pills today! or as i learned in history you can pay off you're sins by making a cash donation to some churches.

How much do you think a prize winning meatball----------------------…

--would go for these days on Ebay? It was a blue ribbon winner at last years state fair. It is encased in gl. How much?

Am I screwed because of a hair test?

I have only smoked weed once before in my life and that was at least eight years ago. About 25 days ago I only took a couple of hits from a joint, didn't even feel anything, and I haven't touched it since. I had to take a hair test today, and I'm a bit worried. Is any detection at all going to be a positive result or do they only test for a certain amount of THC, or what?

Is this a good trade for me?

Good trade, sell high and buy low opportunity. Look for Jacobs and Fitz to regain dominance in the second half.

Portable vaporizers (no2 vaporizer)?

hi, im looking to buy a vaporizer. I found the portable no2 vaporizer and it looked nice. im buying this with friends so is it good if your smokin with a group of friends? Also is it hard to use? what temperature do you like it on? All in all please tell me some key details about it and if you like it or not. Thanks! ps- is it worth the cost (179.99) THANKS AGAIN

Can devoting oneself totally to the service of others, actually diminish ones capacity to give back even more?

With life you should always do your best in your current situation. However, pursue your vision. In the end it will be what makes you happy that is worthwhile. Nothing big ever happens thinking small.

Blood tests for my partner?

I am 13 weeks pregnant and I have been told by both my M/W and dr that my partner also needs to have blood tests. Is this normal. When I had my bloods taken they all came back normal?? The only reason I ask is that my partner is PETRIFIED of needles, blood etc so does he have to have them?

How can I remove dye from my kitchen vinyl?

Something leaked from a supermarket carrier bag onto my cream kitchen vinyl and now there is a perfect imprint of the bag. I thought a bit of neat thick bleach would lift it no problem but it didn't even touch it. Can anyone help? Thank you

I have a question on child suport for a mistress?

Ok heres the situation. I am in the middle of my divorce me and my husband came to an agreement for child support we also agreed that he is going to move out and pay the mortgage until it is sold so he will not pay child support for our 3 children until it is sold. During our marriage he had a baby by his side chick a mth younger then my 9thm old. me and him drew up a paper with the amount of suport he is gonna give her for now until our bills are paid off. Well she was down for it before but now shes like tell her to stay out of our business. She is a young girl this girl. So she is hard to deal with. My thing is no one asked her to deal with a married man and have his baby. We have bills to pay off so both of us can move on with our life. She said she talked to a lawyer and can get alot more whic i dont think is true as we have way to many bills and have 3 children she knew he was married when she got involved with him. by all means no one is tryin to give her baby less cuz i have gone out and bought diapers formula, clothes, furniture for that baby. my question is can she get more money or does the judge look at his family expenses first?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Celtic and Hearts to the EPL?

Word on the street is that the EPL wants Celtic and Hearts. TV wants the two biggest cities in Scotland. Also, the English teams and cities do not want Rangers because of their violent, rioting fans. Hearts will play all their EPL games at Murrayfield Stadium.

How much is my Kathe Kollwitz print worth?

It is a print of "The End" or "Ende," from the Weavers. There is an imprint in the lower right hand corner that reads "A.V.D. Beck Muenster 22." There are no other markings anywhere on the print, or on the back of the print. I also have a Kollwitz self portrait with the same imprint in the same spot, but I don't the title of this one. How do I find out if this is a reprint or a restrike or anything? Where can I go? I know nothing about this sort of thing, they were simply a gift. Thanks for any help you may have!

Will I p the hair follicle drug test? What do I do to p?

Ok, yesterday i was at a party. I was a little bit inebriated and made some bad judgements. I had about 4 inhales of some "hydro" marijuana. I realized after I smoked that that I have a hair follicle drug test in about 3 1/2 months for a job opportunity with GM. Ive never smoked marijuana before last night, and I am not going to smoke it again. Will I p? What should I do to increase my chances on ping? I was thinking about growing my hair fast with rogaine or something.

Has turning 40 changed your outlook on life in any way?

I will be 40 in another week. I did not think it would bother me. But as it is hurtling on I am getting extremely anxious. The thought is it is closer to fifty then sixty a pensioner and then death. How morbid is that. I still feel y and get sooooo horny with my husband but it isall going to end at some point. I remember as a child thinking my parents were disjusting as I knew they still did those things. At whaage does your libido go and you become obselete so as to speak. Could you imagine never having those feelings ever again ME JUST PANICING AS I AM TURNING FORTY 40 40 40 WHAT A NIGHTMARE