Thursday, November 10, 2011

What is the name of a late 1980's comedy about purgatory where a man gets hit by a bus in his new BMW?

I male actor, looks like Mike Golic, dies in a car accident and is sent to a town where the recently deceased are put on trial to see if they go to heaven or hell. The genre of the movie is a comedy. While our protagonist didn't lead the most productive life, he meets a woman that lived and outstanding life and died from slipping and falling by a pool. The actress that plays her resembles a Helen Hunt or Jodie Foster. Some moments of the movie I remember: When the man first arrives in Purgatory he goes to a breakfast diner and his food is ready right when he orders it because that is the way the town works. The man and woman go out on a date to a place where they can witness their former lives. The woman's former life is bliss, while his former life he appeared to be a native being hunted down for dinner. During his trial the court witnessed him talking his buddy out of buying Casio stock when Casio first began. During her trial she saves a family from a burning house.

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